About Me

I have been a Visual Artist for all of my adult life and now also enjoy filmmaking. I am passionate about creating visually to draw attention to environmental and social concerns- through artwork, food, film....or any other medium that leads me down the path of sustainability and social awareness. I am involved with Be Spirited by Nature Group who are trying to connect people with Nature. Also I am now consumed by the healing potential of colour, essence and dyeing which have been my latest passion...Celestial Wearable Art "Of the Essence" Healing Coats. I have been studying Celestial Plant Medicine for a number of years with David Crowe and Arjun Das. Correlating and putting together my two passions has been very rewarding and fulfilling with great healing results especially for PTSD. Work is not work when you love what you do, and the handing over a creation which takes about 1 month from start to finish, is such a joy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Photo of Peter drawing his characters

Here is Peter hard a work in his drawing room. I tried desperately to load this image for the previous post that is imageless but I had issues with the blog site at the time. I was extremely happy with the photo and sums Peter up perfectly.

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